Project Type: Editorial Design Year: 2016
Booklet for Thai Vintage Village Trip
The booklet is for Thai Vintage Village Trip participant. Thai Vintage Village Trip is a journey to explore riverfront living and floating market which to create revenue for the villagers to recovering their life post flooding and supported villagers in working toward cultural self-reliance.
Content highlighted the unique local recipes, village map, village history, the benefit of herbs. The design chose color water technique to emphasize relax and humble.
I am a graphic designer in Plajapian team. I was responsible for all visual aspects, conceptualization, made illustrations and designed advertising materials.
Plajapian (translation: Diligent Fish) is a volunteer group which focuses on improving rural and suburban communities by co-creating projects with the locals to bridge the growing gap between them and urban people. They are brought together to learn and embrace differences in ways of life such as local food, organic farming, and local craftsmanship.

The booklet in English version