Project type: Research, Programme design, Illustration Year : 2018
Guardian of the Ocean Club is a club for kids at Thai Temple School in Queen to learn and advocate about Plastic pollution in the ocean.
This project focuses on reducing ocean-bound plastic waste by empowering kids 6-10 years old in NYC to create their solutions toward reducing their plastic usage and encourage them to be a leader in spreading ideas and influence adult to do the same.
I worked with kids and supported kids to started a club. I visualised a complex problem of single-use plastic waste that goes to our ocean as a Spoon Journey and made multiple versions of illustration of Spoon Journey on fabric and created tote bags for the kids as an educational kit. The kids can use this kit as a communication tool to spread the problem and their intention to help the marine animals to their parents and adults.

1 Research

2 Sketch

3 Participatory design with Kids